Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
public interface | GeneralNameInterface
This interface specifies the abstract methods which have to be implemented by all the members of the GeneralNames ASN.1 object. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
public class | |
public class | AlgIdDSA
This class identifies DSS/DSA Algorithm variants, which are distinguished by using different algorithm parameters P, Q, G. |
public class | AlgorithmId
This class identifies algorithms, such as cryptographic transforms, each of which may be associated with parameters. |
public class | AuthorityInfoAccessExtension
The Authority Information Access Extension (OID = |
public class | AuthorityKeyIdentifierExtension
This class represents the Authority Key Identifier Extension. |
public class | AVA
X.500 Attribute-Value-Assertion (AVA): an attribute, as identified by some attribute ID, has some particular value. |
pack-priv class | |
pack-priv class | AVAKeyword
Helper class that allows conversion from String to ObjectIdentifier and vice versa according to RFC1779, RFC2253, and an augmented version of those standards. |
public class | BasicConstraintsExtension
This class represents the Basic Constraints Extension. |
public class | CertificateAlgorithmId
This class defines the AlgorithmId for the Certificate. |
public class | CertificateExtensions
This class defines the Extensions attribute for the Certificate. |
public class | CertificateIssuerExtension
Represents the CRL Certificate Issuer Extension (OID = |
public class | CertificatePoliciesExtension
This class defines the certificate policies extension which specifies the policies under which the certificate has been issued and the purposes for which the certificate may be used. |
public class | CertificatePolicyId
Represent the CertificatePolicyId ASN.1 object. |
public class | CertificatePolicyMap
Represent the CertificatePolicyMap ASN.1 object. |
public class | CertificatePolicySet
This class defines the certificate policy set ASN.1 object. |
public class | CertificateSerialNumber
This class defines the SerialNumber attribute for the Certificate. |
public class | CertificateSubjectName
This class defines the X500Name attribute for the Certificate. |
public class | CertificateValidity
This class defines the interval for which the certificate is valid. |
public class | CertificateVersion
This class defines the version of the X509 Certificate. |
public class | CertificateX509Key
This class defines the X509Key attribute for the Certificate. |
public class | CRLDistributionPointsExtension
Represent the CRL Distribution Points Extension (OID = |
public class | CRLExtensions
This class defines the CRL Extensions. |
public class | CRLNumberExtension
Represent the CRL Number Extension. |
public class | CRLReasonCodeExtension
The reasonCode is a non-critical CRL entry extension that identifies the reason for the certificate revocation. |
public class | DeltaCRLIndicatorExtension
Represents the Delta CRL Indicator Extension. |
public class | DistributionPoint
Represent the DistributionPoint sequence used in the CRL Distribution Points Extension (OID = |
public class | DistributionPointName
Represents the DistributionPointName ASN.1 type. |
public class | DNSName
This class implements the DNSName as required by the GeneralNames ASN.1 object. |
public class | EDIPartyName
This class defines the EDIPartyName of the GeneralName choice. |
public class | ExtendedKeyUsageExtension
This class defines the Extended Key Usage Extension, which indicates one or more purposes for which the certified public key may be used, in addition to or in place of the basic purposes indicated in the key usage extension field. |
public class | Extension
Represent a X509 Extension Attribute. |
public class | FreshestCRLExtension
Represents the Freshest CRL Extension. |
public class | GeneralName
This class implements the ASN.1 GeneralName object class. |
public class | GeneralNames
This object class represents the GeneralNames type required in X509 certificates. |
public class | GeneralSubtree
Represent the GeneralSubtree ASN.1 object, whose syntax is: GeneralSubtree ::= SEQUENCE { base GeneralName, minimum [0] BaseDistance DEFAULT 0, maximum [1] BaseDistance OPTIONAL } BaseDistance ::= INTEGER (0..MAX) |
public class | GeneralSubtrees
Represent the GeneralSubtrees ASN.1 object. |
public class | InhibitAnyPolicyExtension
This class represents the Inhibit Any-Policy Extension. |
public class | InvalidityDateExtension
From RFC 5280: The invalidity date is a non-critical CRL entry extension that provides the date on which it is known or suspected that the private key was compromised or that the certificate otherwise became invalid. |
public class | IPAddressName
This class implements the IPAddressName as required by the GeneralNames ASN.1 object. |
public class | IssuerAlternativeNameExtension
This represents the Issuer Alternative Name Extension. |
public class | IssuingDistributionPointExtension
Represents the CRL Issuing Distribution Point Extension (OID = |
public class | KeyIdentifier
Represent the Key Identifier ASN.1 object. |
public class | KeyUsageExtension
Represent the Key Usage Extension. |
public class | NameConstraintsExtension
This class defines the Name Constraints Extension. |
public class | NetscapeCertTypeExtension
Represents Netscape Certificate Type Extension. |
public class | OCSPNoCheckExtension
Represent the OCSP NoCheck Extension from RFC2560. |
public class | OIDMap
This class defines the mapping from OID & name to class and vice versa. |
public class | OIDName
This class implements the OIDName as required by the GeneralNames ASN.1 object. |
public class | OtherName
This class represents the OtherName as required by the GeneralNames ASN.1 object. |
public class | PKIXExtensions
Lists all the object identifiers of the X509 extensions of the PKIX profile. |
public class | PolicyConstraintsExtension
This class defines the certificate extension which specifies the Policy constraints. |
public class | PolicyInformation
PolicyInformation is the class that contains a specific certificate policy that is part of the CertificatePoliciesExtension. |
public class | PolicyMappingsExtension
Represent the Policy Mappings Extension. |
public class | PrivateKeyUsageExtension
This class defines the Private Key Usage Extension. |
public class | RDN
RDNs are a set of {attribute = value} assertions. |
public class | ReasonFlags
Represent the CRL Reason Flags. |
public class | RFC822Name
This class implements the RFC822Name as required by the GeneralNames ASN.1 object. |
public class | SerialNumber
This class defines the SerialNumber class used by certificates. |
public class | SubjectAlternativeNameExtension
This represents the Subject Alternative Name Extension. |
public class | SubjectInfoAccessExtension
The Subject Information Access Extension (OID = |
public class | SubjectKeyIdentifierExtension
Represent the Subject Key Identifier Extension. |
public class | UniqueIdentity
This class defines the UniqueIdentity class used by certificates. |
pack-priv class | UnparseableExtension
An extension that cannot be parsed due to decoding errors or invalid content. |
public class | URIName
This class implements the URIName as required by the GeneralNames ASN.1 object. |
public class | X400Address
This class defines the X400Address of the GeneralName choice. |
public class | X500Name
X.500 names are used to identify entities, such as those which are identified by X.509 certificates. |
public class | X509CertImpl
The X509CertImpl class represents an X.509 certificate. |
public class | X509CertInfo
The X509CertInfo class represents X.509 certificate information. |
public class | X509CRLEntryImpl
Abstract class for a revoked certificate in a CRL. |
public class | X509CRLImpl
An implementation for X509 CRL (Certificate Revocation List). |
public class | X509Key
Holds an X.509 key, for example a public key found in an X.509 certificate. |