Top Constructors Methods

pack-priv final Class AtomicQueueUtil

extends Object
Class Inheritance
java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLongArray, .AtomicReferenceArray

Constructor Summary

AccessConstructor and Description

Method Summary

Modifier and TypeMethod and Description
pack-priv static AtomicLongArray
allocateLongArray(int capacity)

pack-priv static <E> AtomicReferenceArray<E>
allocateRefArray(int capacity)

pack-priv static int
calcCircularLongElementOffset(long index, int mask)

pack-priv static int
calcCircularRefElementOffset(long index, long mask)

pack-priv static int
pack-priv static int
pack-priv static int
pack-priv static long
lpLongElement(AtomicLongArray buffer, int offset)

pack-priv static <E> E
lpRefElement(AtomicReferenceArray<E> buffer, int offset)

pack-priv static long
lvLongElement(AtomicLongArray buffer, int offset)

pack-priv static <E> E
lvRefElement(AtomicReferenceArray<E> buffer, int offset)

pack-priv static int
modifiedCalcCircularRefElementOffset(long index, long mask)

This method assumes index is actually (index << 1) because lower bit is used for resize hence the >> 1

pack-priv static int
pack-priv static void
soLongElement(AtomicLongArray buffer, int offset, long e)

pack-priv static void
soRefElement(AtomicReferenceArray<E> buffer, int offset, Object value)

pack-priv static void
spLongElement(AtomicLongArray buffer, int offset, long e)

pack-priv static <E> void
spRefElement(AtomicReferenceArray<E> buffer, int offset, E value)

pack-priv static <E> void
svRefElement(AtomicReferenceArray<E> buffer, int offset, E value)

Inherited from java.lang.Object:

Constructor Detail

AtomicQueueUtilback to summary
pack-priv AtomicQueueUtil()

Method Detail

allocateLongArrayback to summary
pack-priv static AtomicLongArray allocateLongArray(int capacity)
allocateRefArrayback to summary
pack-priv static <E> AtomicReferenceArray<E> allocateRefArray(int capacity)
calcCircularLongElementOffsetback to summary
pack-priv static int calcCircularLongElementOffset(long index, int mask)
calcCircularRefElementOffsetback to summary
pack-priv static int calcCircularRefElementOffset(long index, long mask)
calcLongElementOffsetback to summary
pack-priv static int calcLongElementOffset(long index)
calcRefElementOffsetback to summary
pack-priv static int calcRefElementOffset(long index)
lengthback to summary
pack-priv static int length(AtomicReferenceArray<?> buf)
lpLongElementback to summary
pack-priv static long lpLongElement(AtomicLongArray buffer, int offset)
lpRefElementback to summary
pack-priv static <E> E lpRefElement(AtomicReferenceArray<E> buffer, int offset)
lvLongElementback to summary
pack-priv static long lvLongElement(AtomicLongArray buffer, int offset)
lvRefElementback to summary
pack-priv static <E> E lvRefElement(AtomicReferenceArray<E> buffer, int offset)
modifiedCalcCircularRefElementOffsetback to summary
pack-priv static int modifiedCalcCircularRefElementOffset(long index, long mask)

This method assumes index is actually (index << 1) because lower bit is used for resize hence the >> 1

nextArrayOffsetback to summary
pack-priv static int nextArrayOffset(AtomicReferenceArray<?> curr)
soLongElementback to summary
pack-priv static void soLongElement(AtomicLongArray buffer, int offset, long e)
soRefElementback to summary
pack-priv static void soRefElement(AtomicReferenceArray<E> buffer, int offset, Object value)
spLongElementback to summary
pack-priv static void spLongElement(AtomicLongArray buffer, int offset, long e)
spRefElementback to summary
pack-priv static <E> void spRefElement(AtomicReferenceArray<E> buffer, int offset, E value)
svRefElementback to summary
pack-priv static <E> void svRefElement(AtomicReferenceArray<E> buffer, int offset, E value)