Modifier and Type | Package and Description |
package | jakarta.activation
Jakarta Activation is used by Jakarta Mail to manage MIME data. |
package | jakarta.activation.spi
Provides interfaces which implementations will be used as service providers for other services that used by Jakarta Activation. |
package | jakarta.annotation
This package defines the common annotations. |
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This package contains the security common annotations. |
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package | jakarta.batch.api
Provides APIs used by Batch artifacts. |
package | jakarta.batch.api.chunk
Provides APIs used by artifacts in a Batch chunk step. |
package | jakarta.batch.api.chunk.listener
Provides APIs defining listener artifacts for a Batch chunk step. |
package | jakarta.batch.api.listener
Provides APIs defining Batch job-level and step-level listener artifacts. |
package | jakarta.batch.api.partition
Provides APIs for artifacts specific to a Batch partitioned step. |
package | jakarta.batch.operations
Provides APIs for starting, managing, and viewing results of Batch job executions, along with a set of exceptions. |
package | jakarta.batch.runtime
Provides APIs for viewing the detailed outcomes and metrics of Batch job executions. |
package | jakarta.batch.runtime.context
Provides APIs for context classes allowing data sharing across Batch artifacts within a job instance and within a step. |
package | jakarta.decorator
Annotations relating to decorators. |
package | jakarta.ejb
Contains the Enterprise Bean classes and interfaces that define the contracts between the enterprise bean and its clients and between the enterprise bean and the enterprise bean container. |
package | jakarta.ejb.embeddable
Defines the classes for the enterprise bean Embeddable API. |
package | jakarta.ejb.spi
Defines interfaces that are implemented by the enterprise bean container. |
package | jakarta.el
Provides the API for Jakarta Expression Language 5.0 Jakarta Expression Language is a simple language originally designed to satisfy the specific needs of web application developers. |
package | jakarta.enterprise.concurrent
Classes and interfaces that make up the Jakarta Concurrency specification. |
package | jakarta.enterprise.concurrent.spi
Interfaces for third-party providers of thread context to implement. |
package | jakarta.enterprise.context
Annotations and interfaces relating to scopes and contexts. |
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package | jakarta.enterprise.context.spi
The custom context SPI. |
package | jakarta.enterprise.event
Annotations and interfaces relating to events. |
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The build compatible extension SPI. |
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package | jakarta.enterprise.inject.spi
The portable extension integration SPI. |
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package | jakarta.enterprise.lang.model
The core interfaces of the language model that represent annotations and annotation targets. |
package | jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.declarations
Interfaces that represent declarations. |
package | jakarta.enterprise.lang.model.types
Interfaces that represent types. |
package | jakarta.enterprise.util
Contains shared, general-purpose helper classes and annotations. |
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package | jakarta.faces.component.html
Specialized user interface component classes for HTML. |
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package | jakarta.inject
This package specifies a means for obtaining objects in such a way as to maximize reusability, testability and maintainability compared to traditional approaches such as constructors, factories, and service locators (e.g., JNDI). |
package | jakarta.interceptor
Contains annotations and interfaces for defining interceptor methods and interceptor classes, and for binding interceptor classes to target classes. |
package | jakarta.jms
The Jakarta Messaging API provides a common way for Java programs to create, send, receive and read an enterprise messaging system's messages. |
package | jakarta.json
Provides an object model API to process JSON. |
package | jakarta.json.bind
Provides JSON Binding API, which enables binding Java objects from and to JSON documents. |
package | jakarta.json.bind.adapter
Defines adapter related classes. |
package | jakarta.json.bind.annotation
Defines annotations for customizing the mapping between Java program elements and JSON documents. |
package | jakarta.json.bind.config
Defines strategies and policies for customizing the mapping between Java program elements and JSON documents. |
package | jakarta.json.bind.serializer
Defines serializer depending classes. |
package | jakarta.json.bind.spi
Service Provider Interface (SPI) to plug in implementations of JSON
Binding API |
package | jakarta.json.spi
Service Provider Interface (SPI) to plug in implementations for JSON processing objects. |
package |
Provides a streaming API to parse and generate JSON. |
package | jakarta.jws
This package defines annotations for light-weight web services programming model. |
package | jakarta.jws.soap
This package defines annotations for SOAP binding definition within light-weight web services programming model. |
package | jakarta.mail
The Jakarta Mail API provides classes that model a mail system. |
package | jakarta.mail.event
Listeners and events for the Jakarta Mail API. |
package | jakarta.mail.internet
Classes specific to Internet mail systems. |
package |
Message search terms for the Jakarta Mail API. |
package | jakarta.mail.util
Jakarta Mail API utility classes. |
package | jakarta.persistence
Jakarta Persistence is the API for the management for persistence and object/relational mapping. |
package | jakarta.persistence.criteria
Jakarta Persistence Criteria API |
package | jakarta.persistence.metamodel
Jakarta Persistence Metamodel API |
package | jakarta.persistence.spi
SPI for Jakarta Persistence providers |
package | jakarta.resource
The jakarta.resource package is the top-level package for the Jakarta™ Connectors specification. |
package | jakarta.resource.cci
The jakarta.resource.cci package contains API specification for the Common Client Interface (CCI). |
package | jakarta.resource.spi
The jakarta.resource.spi package contains APIs for the system contracts defined in the Jakarta Connectors specification. |
package | jakarta.resource.spi.endpoint
This package contains system contracts for service endpoint interactions. |
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The package contains APIs for the security management contract. |
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This package contains APIs for the Work Management, Generic and Security Work Context contracts. |
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This package defines the core interfaces of Jakarta Authentication. |
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This package defines callback interfaces that may be used by a pluggable authentication mechanisms (aka message authentication modules) to interact with the container (aka message processing runtime) that invoked the module. |
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This package defines the interfaces implemented by Jakarta Authentication compatible configuration systems. |
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This package defines the interfaces implemented by Jakarta Authentication compatible authentication mechanisms. |
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The main Jakarta Security package. |
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The HTTP authentication mechanism API package. |
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The Identity Store Credential API package. |
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The identity store API package. |
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This package contains the Jakarta Authorization API |
package | jakarta.servlet
The jakarta.servlet package contains a number of classes and interfaces that describe and define the contracts between a servlet class and the runtime environment provided for an instance of such a class by a conforming servlet container. |
package | jakarta.servlet.annotation
The jakarta.servlet.annotation package contains a number of annotations that allow users to use annotations to declare servlets, filters, listeners and specify the metadata for the declared component. |
package | jakarta.servlet.descriptor
Provides programmatic access to a web application's configuration information that was aggregated from the
package | jakarta.servlet.http
The jakarta.servlet.http package contains a number of classes and interfaces that describe and define the contracts between a servlet class running under the HTTP protocol and the runtime environment provided for an instance of such a class by a conforming servlet container. |
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package | jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.core
Classes and interfaces related to the core tag library component of the Jakarta Standard Tag Library. |
package | jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.fmt
Classes and interfaces related to the locale sensitive formatting tag library component of the Jakarta Standard Tag Library. |
package | jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.sql
Classes and interfaces related to the sql tag library component of the Jakarta Standard Tag Library. |
package | jakarta.servlet.jsp.jstl.tlv
Reusable Tag Library Validator (TLV) classes provided by the Jakarta Standard Tag Library. |
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package | jakarta.transaction
Provides the API that defines the contract between the transaction manager and the various parties involved in a distributed transaction namely : resource manager, application, and application server. |
package | jakarta.validation
Top level package of the Jakarta Bean Validation API. |
package | jakarta.validation.bootstrap
Package containing bootstrap specific objects. |
package | jakarta.validation.constraints
Contains all the Jakarta Bean Validation provided constraints also called built-in constraints. |
package | jakarta.validation.constraintvalidation
Package containing constructs specific to constraint validators. |
package | jakarta.validation.executable
Package related to the control and execution of executable validation. |
package | jakarta.validation.groups
A group defines a subset of constraints. |
package | jakarta.validation.metadata
Package containing all objects specifically used and returned by the metadata API. |
package | jakarta.validation.spi
Package containing objects specific to the interaction between the Jakarta Bean Validation bootstrapping process and Jakarta Bean Validation providers. |
package | jakarta.validation.valueextraction
Package containing objects dedicated to extract values to validate from containers. |
package | jakarta.websocket
This package contains all the Jakarta WebSocket APIs common to both the client and server side. |
package | jakarta.websocket.server
This package contains all the Jakarta WebSocket APIs used only by server side applications. |
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High-level interfaces and annotations used to create RESTful service resources. |
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The JAX-RS client API The JAX-RS client API is a Java based API used to access Web resources. |
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Container-specific JAX-RS API. |
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Low-level interfaces and annotations used to create RESTful service resources. |
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APIs that provide extensions to the types supported by the JAX-RS API. |
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Server-Sent Events related API. |
package | jakarta.xml.bind
Provides a runtime binding framework for client applications including unmarshalling, marshalling, and validation capabilities. |
package | jakarta.xml.bind.annotation
Defines annotations for customizing Java program elements to XML Schema mapping. |
package | jakarta.xml.bind.annotation.adapters
package | jakarta.xml.bind.attachment
This package is implemented by a MIME-based package processor that enables the interpretation and creation of optimized binary data within an MIME-based package format. |
package | jakarta.xml.bind.helpers
Jakarta XML Binding Provider Use Only: Provides partial default implementations for
some of the |
package | jakarta.xml.bind.util
Useful client utility classes. |
package | jakarta.xml.soap
Provides the API for creating and building SOAP messages. |
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This package contains the core Jakarta XML Web Services APIs. |
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This package defines APIs for message handlers. |
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This package defines APIs for SOAP message handlers. |
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This package defines APIs specific to the HTTP binding. |
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This package defines APIs specific to the SOAP binding. |
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This package defines SPIs for Jakarta XML Web Services. |
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Provides HTTP SPI that is used for portable deployment of Jakarta XML Web Services in containers (for example servlet containers). |
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This package defines APIs related to WS-Addressing. |