Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
public interface | Condition
Interface for conditions to use inside the <condition> task. |
Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
public class | And
<and> condition container. |
public class | AntVersion
An Ant version condition. |
public abstract class | ConditionBase
Baseclass for the <condition> task as well as several conditions - ensures that the types of conditions inside the task and the "container" conditions are in sync. |
public class | Contains
Is one string part of another string? |
public class | Equals
Simple comparison condition. |
public class | FilesMatch
Compares two files for equality based on size and content. |
public class | HasFreeSpace
<hasfreespace> Condition returns true if selected partition has the requested space, false otherwise. |
public class | HasMethod
test for a method |
public class | Http
Condition to wait for a HTTP request to succeed. |
public class | IsFailure
Condition to test a return-code for failure. |
public class | IsFalse
Condition that tests whether a given string evals to false |
public class | IsFileSelected
This is a condition that checks to see if a file passes an embedded selector. |
public class | IsLastModified
Condition that makes assertions about the last modified date of a resource. |
public class | IsReachable
Test for a host being reachable using ICMP "ping" packets & echo operations. |
public class | IsReference
Condition that tests whether a given reference has been defined. |
public class | IsSet
Condition that tests whether a given property has been set. |
public class | IsSigned
Checks whether a jarfile is signed: if the name of the signature is passed, the file is checked for presence of that particular signature; otherwise the file is checked for the existence of any signature. |
public class | IsTrue
Condition that tests whether a given string evals to true |
public class | JavaVersion
An Java version condition. |
public class | Matches
Simple regular expression condition. |
public class | Not
<not> condition. |
public class | Or
<or> condition container. |
public class | Os
Condition that tests the OS type. |
public class | ParserSupports
Test for the XML parser supporting a particular feature |
public class | ResourceContains
<resourcecontains> Is a string contained in a resource (file currently)? |
public class | ResourceExists
Condition that checks whether a given resource exists. |
public class | ResourcesMatch
Compares resources for equality based on size and content. |
public class | Socket
Condition to wait for a TCP/IP socket to have a listener. |
public class | TypeFound
looks for a task or other Ant type that exists. |
public class | Xor
The |