Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private Vector | |
private boolean | |
private PatternSet | |
private DirectoryScanner | |
private boolean | |
private boolean |
Access | Constructor and Description |
public | |
protected |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
public synchronized void | appendExcludes(String[]
array containing the exclude patterns. excludes)Append |
public synchronized void | appendIncludes(String[]
array containing the include patterns. includes)Append |
public synchronized void | appendSelector(FileSelector
the new selector)FileSelector to add.Overrides org. Implements org. |
public synchronized Object | Returns: a cloned Object.Overrides org. |
public synchronized PatternSet. | |
public synchronized PatternSet. | Returns: PatternSet.PatternFileNameEntry .Add a name entry to the excludes files list. |
public synchronized PatternSet. | |
public synchronized PatternSet. | Returns: PatternSet.PatternFileNameEntry .Add a name entry to the include files list. |
public synchronized PatternSet | |
private synchronized void | |
public synchronized boolean | Returns: the defaultexclusions value.Get whether default exclusions should be used or not. |
protected Files | Returns: FileCollection .Hides org. |
public synchronized boolean | Returns: whether any patterns are in this container.Find out whether this Files collection has patterns. |
private boolean | |
public synchronized boolean | Returns: boolean indicating whether the Files
collection is case-sensitive.Find out if this Files collection is case-sensitive. |
public boolean | Returns: true indicating that all elements of a Files collection will be FileResources.Implements org. |
public synchronized boolean | Returns: boolean indicating whether symbolic links
should be followed.Find out whether symbolic links should be followed. |
public synchronized Iterator | Returns: an Iterator of Resources.Implements java. |
public String[] | Returns: the exclude patterns of the default pattern set and all nested patternsets.Project instance. p)Get the merged exclude patterns for this Files collection. |
public String[] | Returns: the include patterns of the default pattern set and all nested patternsets.Project instance. p)Get the merged include patterns for this Files collection. |
public synchronized PatternSet | Returns: the default patternset merged with the additional sets in a new PatternSet instance.Project instance. p)Get the merged patterns for this Files collection. |
public synchronized void | |
public synchronized void | setDefaultexcludes(boolean
boolean .Set whether default exclusions should be used or not. |
public synchronized void | setExcludes(String
the excludes)String containing the exclude patterns.Append |
public synchronized void | |
public synchronized void | setFollowSymlinks(boolean
whether or not symbolic links should be followed. followSymlinks)Set whether or not symbolic links should be followed. |
public synchronized void | setIncludes(String
the includes)String containing the include patterns.Append |
public synchronized void | |
public void | setRefid(Reference
the r)Reference to use.Overrides org. |
public synchronized int | Returns: number of elements as int.Implements org. |
public String | Returns: a descriptiveString .Overrides org. |
additionalPatterns | back to summary |
private Vector<PatternSet> additionalPatterns |
caseSensitive | back to summary |
private boolean caseSensitive |
defaultPatterns | back to summary |
private PatternSet defaultPatterns |
ds | back to summary |
private DirectoryScanner ds |
followSymlinks | back to summary |
private boolean followSymlinks |
useDefaultExcludes | back to summary |
private boolean useDefaultExcludes |
Files | back to summary |
public Files() Construct a new |
Files | back to summary |
protected Files(Files f) Construct a new
appendExcludes | back to summary |
public synchronized void appendExcludes(String[] excludes) Append
appendIncludes | back to summary |
public synchronized void appendIncludes(String[] includes) Append
appendSelector | back to summary |
public synchronized void appendSelector(FileSelector selector) Overrides org. Implements org. Add a new selector into this container.
clone | back to summary |
public synchronized Object clone() Overrides org. Create a deep clone of this instance, except for the nested selectors (the list of selectors is a shallow clone of this instance's list). |
createExclude | back to summary |
public synchronized PatternSet. Add a name entry to the exclude list.
createExcludesFile | back to summary |
public synchronized PatternSet. Add a name entry to the excludes files list.
createInclude | back to summary |
public synchronized PatternSet. Add a name entry to the include list.
createIncludesFile | back to summary |
public synchronized PatternSet. Add a name entry to the include files list.
createPatternSet | back to summary |
public synchronized PatternSet createPatternSet() Create a nested patternset.
ensureDirectoryScannerSetup | back to summary |
private synchronized void ensureDirectoryScannerSetup() |
getDefaultexcludes | back to summary |
public synchronized boolean getDefaultexcludes() Get whether default exclusions should be used or not.
getRef | back to summary |
protected Files getRef() Hides org. Perform the check for circular references and return the referenced Files collection.
hasPatterns | back to summary |
public synchronized boolean hasPatterns() Find out whether this Files collection has patterns.
hasPatterns | back to summary |
private boolean hasPatterns(PatternSet ps) |
isCaseSensitive | back to summary |
public synchronized boolean isCaseSensitive() Find out if this Files collection is case-sensitive.
isFilesystemOnly | back to summary |
public boolean isFilesystemOnly() Implements org. Always returns true.
isFollowSymlinks | back to summary |
public synchronized boolean isFollowSymlinks() Find out whether symbolic links should be followed.
iterator | back to summary |
public synchronized Iterator Implements java. Fulfill the ResourceCollection contract. |
mergeExcludes | back to summary |
public String[] mergeExcludes(Project p) Get the merged exclude patterns for this Files collection. |
mergeIncludes | back to summary |
public String[] mergeIncludes(Project p) Get the merged include patterns for this Files collection. |
mergePatterns | back to summary |
public synchronized PatternSet mergePatterns(Project p) Get the merged patterns for this Files collection.
setCaseSensitive | back to summary |
public synchronized void setCaseSensitive(boolean caseSensitive) Set case-sensitivity of the Files collection.
setDefaultexcludes | back to summary |
public synchronized void setDefaultexcludes(boolean useDefaultExcludes) Set whether default exclusions should be used or not.
setExcludes | back to summary |
public synchronized void setExcludes(String excludes) Append Patterns may be separated by a comma or a space.
setExcludesfile | back to summary |
public synchronized void setExcludesfile(File excl) throws BuildException Set the
setFollowSymlinks | back to summary |
public synchronized void setFollowSymlinks(boolean followSymlinks) Set whether or not symbolic links should be followed.
setIncludes | back to summary |
public synchronized void setIncludes(String includes) Append Patterns may be separated by a comma or a space.
setIncludesfile | back to summary |
public synchronized void setIncludesfile(File incl) throws BuildException Set the
setRefid | back to summary |
public void setRefid(Reference r) throws BuildException Overrides org. Make this instance in effect a reference to another instance. You must not set another attribute or nest elements inside this element if you make it a reference.
size | back to summary |
public synchronized int size() Implements org. Fulfill the ResourceCollection contract.
toString | back to summary |
public String toString() Overrides org. Format this Files collection as a String. |