Modifier and Type | Class and Description |
private static class | |
public static class |
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
public static final List | EMPTY_LIST
Access | Constructor and Description |
private |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
public static < element type E> Enumeration | Returns: an enumeration representing e1 followed by e2.the first enumeration. e1, Enumeration<E> the subsequent enumeration. e2)
use Stream.concat(Collections.list(e1).stream(), Collections.list(e2).stream())
.collect(Collectors.collectingAndThen(Collectors.toList(), Collections::enumeration))
Append one enumeration to another.
public static < element type T> Collection | Returns: the collectionthe Iterator to convert iter)
instantiate a list and use forEachRemaining(list::add)
Returns a collection containing all elements of the iterator.
public static < element type E> Enumeration | Returns: an Enumeration.the Iterator to adapt. iter)
use Collections.enumeration()
Adapt the specified Iterator to the Enumeration interface.
public static < element type E> Iterator | Returns: an Iterator.the Enumeration to adapt. e)
use Collections.list(e).iterator()
Adapt the specified Enumeration to the Iterator interface.
public static boolean | |
public static boolean | Returns: true if the directories are equal.the first directory. d1, Dictionary<?, ?> the second directory. d2)
since 1.6.x.
Dictionary does not have an equals.
public static String | Returns: string representation of the collectioncollection to transform c)
use stream().collect(Collectors.joining(","))
Creates a comma separated list of all values held in the given
public static int | Returns: frequencycollection in which to search c, Object object to search o)
Counts how often the given Object occurs in the given
collection using equals() for comparison.
public static < type of the key K, type of the value V> void | putAll(Dictionary<? super K, ? super V>
the to directory. m1, Dictionary<? extends K, ? extends V> the from directory. m2)
since 1.6.x.
Dictionary does not know the putAll method.
EMPTY_LIST | back to summary |
public static final List<E> EMPTY_LIST
CollectionUtils | back to summary |
private CollectionUtils() |
append | back to summary |
public static <E> Enumeration Deprecated use Stream.concat(Collections.list(e1).stream(), Collections.list(e2).stream()) .collect(Collectors.collectingAndThen(Collectors.toList(), Collections::enumeration)) Append one enumeration to another. Elements are evaluated lazily.
asCollection | back to summary |
public static <T> Collection Deprecated instantiate a list and use forEachRemaining(list::add) Returns a collection containing all elements of the iterator.
asEnumeration | back to summary |
public static <E> Enumeration Deprecated use Collections.enumeration() Adapt the specified Iterator to the Enumeration interface.
asIterator | back to summary |
public static <E> Iterator Deprecated use Collections.list(e).iterator() Adapt the specified Enumeration to the Iterator interface.
equals | back to summary |
public static boolean equals(Vector<?> v1, Vector<?> v2)
Deprecated since 1.6.x. Please use Vector.equals() or List.equals().
equals | back to summary |
public static boolean equals(Dictionary<?, ?> d1, Dictionary<?, ?> d2)
Deprecated since 1.6.x. Dictionary does not have an equals. Please use Map.equals(). Follows the equals contract of Java 2's Map.
flattenToString | back to summary |
public static String flattenToString(Collection<?> c)
Deprecated use stream().collect(Collectors.joining(",")) Creates a comma separated list of all values held in the given collection.
frequency | back to summary |
public static int frequency(Collection<?> c, Object o)
Counts how often the given Object occurs in the given collection using equals() for comparison.
putAll | back to summary |
public static <K, V> void putAll(Dictionary<? super K, ? super V> m1, Dictionary<? extends K, ? extends V> m2)
Deprecated since 1.6.x. Dictionary does not know the putAll method. Please use Map.putAll().
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private final Enumeration | |
private final Enumeration |
Access | Constructor and Description |
public |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
public boolean | hasMoreElements()
Implements java. |
public E | nextElement()
Implements java. |
e1 | back to summary |
private final Enumeration<E> e1 |
e2 | back to summary |
private final Enumeration<E> e2 |
CompoundEnumeration | back to summary |
public CompoundEnumeration(Enumeration<E> e1, Enumeration<E> e2) |
hasMoreElements | back to summary |
public boolean hasMoreElements() Implements java. Doc from java. Tests if this enumeration contains more elements.
nextElement | back to summary |
public E nextElement() throws NoSuchElementException Implements java. Doc from java. Returns the next element of this enumeration if this enumeration object has at least one more element to provide.
Access | Constructor and Description |
public |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
public boolean | Returns: false always.Implements java. |
public E | Returns: nothing.Implements java. |
EmptyEnumeration | back to summary |
public EmptyEnumeration() |
hasMoreElements | back to summary |
public boolean hasMoreElements() Implements java. Doc from java. Tests if this enumeration contains more elements.
nextElement | back to summary |
public E nextElement() throws NoSuchElementException Implements java. Doc from java. Returns the next element of this enumeration if this enumeration object has at least one more element to provide.