This class will create only a single factory instance.
Modifier and Type | Field and Description |
private static DocumentBuilderFactory | builderFactory
Parser factory to use to create document builders. |
private static final FileUtils | FILE_UTILS
Helper for systemId. |
private static SAXParserFactory | nsParserFactory
Parser Factory to create Namespace aware parsers. |
private static SAXParserFactory | parserFactory
Parser factory to use to create parsers. |
Access | Constructor and Description |
public |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
private static BuildException | |
public static DocumentBuilder | |
private static synchronized DocumentBuilderFactory | |
public static XMLReader | Returns: a SAX 2 XMLReader.Returns a newly created SAX 2 XMLReader, which is namespace aware |
public static synchronized SAXParserFactory | Returns: a SAXParserFactory to use which supports manufacture of namespace aware parsers.Returns the parser factory to use to create namespace aware parsers. |
public static Parser | |
public static synchronized SAXParserFactory | |
public static String | Returns: the systemid corresponding to the given file.the file to create the system id from. file)This is a best attempt to provide a URL.toExternalForm() from a file URL. |
public static XMLReader | Returns: a SAX 2 XMLReader.Returns a newly created SAX 2 XMLReader, using the default parser factory. |
public static SAXParserFactory | |
private static SAXParser | Returns: a new SAXParser instance as helper for getParser and getXMLReader.
builderFactory | back to summary |
private static DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory Parser factory to use to create document builders.
FILE_UTILS | back to summary |
private static final FileUtils FILE_UTILS Helper for systemId.
nsParserFactory | back to summary |
private static SAXParserFactory nsParserFactory Parser Factory to create Namespace aware parsers.
parserFactory | back to summary |
private static SAXParserFactory parserFactory Parser factory to use to create parsers.
JAXPUtils | back to summary |
public JAXPUtils() |
convertToBuildException | back to summary |
private static BuildException convertToBuildException(SAXException e) Translate a SAXException into a BuildException
getDocumentBuilder | back to summary |
public static DocumentBuilder getDocumentBuilder() throws BuildException Returns a newly created DocumentBuilder.
getDocumentBuilderFactory | back to summary |
private static synchronized DocumentBuilderFactory getDocumentBuilderFactory() throws BuildException Obtains the default builder factory if not already.
getNamespaceXMLReader | back to summary |
public static XMLReader getNamespaceXMLReader() throws BuildException Returns a newly created SAX 2 XMLReader, which is namespace aware
getNSParserFactory | back to summary |
public static synchronized SAXParserFactory getNSParserFactory() throws BuildException Returns the parser factory to use to create namespace aware parsers.
getParser | back to summary |
public static Parser getParser() throws BuildException
Deprecated as a consequence of Returns a newly created SAX 1 Parser, using the default parser factory.
getParserFactory | back to summary |
public static synchronized SAXParserFactory getParserFactory() throws BuildException Returns the parser factory to use. Only one parser factory is ever created by this method and is then cached for future use.
getSystemId | back to summary |
public static String getSystemId(File file) This is a best attempt to provide a URL.toExternalForm() from a file URL. Some parsers like Crimson choke on uri that are made of backslashed paths (ie windows) as it is does not conform URI specifications. |
getXMLReader | back to summary |
public static XMLReader getXMLReader() throws BuildException Returns a newly created SAX 2 XMLReader, using the default parser factory.
newParserFactory | back to summary |
public static SAXParserFactory newParserFactory() throws BuildException Returns a new parser factory instance.
newSAXParser | back to summary |
private static SAXParser newSAXParser(SAXParserFactory factory) throws BuildException