Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Programs can only use attribute
when preview features are enabled.
Preview features may be removed in a future release,
or upgraded to permanent features of the Java platform.
package contains interfaces describing classfile attributes.
Modifier and Type | Interface and Description |
public interface | AnnotationDefaultAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the AnnotationDefault attribute 4.7.22, which can
appear on methods of annotation types, and records the default value
9.6.2 for the element corresponding to this method.
public interface | BootstrapMethodsAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the BootstrapMethods attribute 4.7.23, which serves as
an extension to the constant pool of a classfile.
public interface | CharacterRangeInfo
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models a single character range in the CharacterRangeTableAttribute .
public interface | CharacterRangeTableAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
The CharacterRangeTable attribute is an optional variable-length attribute in
the attributes table of a Code attribute.
public interface | CodeAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the Code attribute 4.7.3, appears on non-native,
non-abstract methods and contains the bytecode of the method body.
public interface | CompilationIDAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the CompilationID attribute (@@@ need reference), which can
appear on classes and records the compilation time of the class.
public interface | ConstantValueAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the ConstantValue attribute 4.7.2, which can appear on
fields and indicates that the field's value is a constant.
public interface | DeprecatedAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the Deprecated attribute 4.7.15, which can appear on
classes, methods, and fields.
public interface | EnclosingMethodAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the EnclosingMethod attribute 4.7.7, which can appear
on classes, and indicates that the class is a local or anonymous class.
public interface | ExceptionsAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the Exceptions attribute 4.7.5, which can appear on
methods, and records the exceptions declared to be thrown by this method.
public interface | InnerClassesAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the InnerClasses attribute 4.7.6, which can
appear on classes, and records which classes referenced by this classfile
are inner classes.
public interface | InnerClassInfo
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models a single inner class in the InnerClassesAttribute .
public interface | LineNumberInfo
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models a single line number in the LineNumberTableAttribute .
public interface | LineNumberTableAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the LineNumberTable attribute 4.7.12, which can appear
on a Code attribute, and records the mapping between indexes into
the code table and line numbers in the source file.
public interface | LocalVariableInfo
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models a single local variable in the LocalVariableTableAttribute .
public interface | LocalVariableTableAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the LocalVariableTable attribute 4.7.13, which can appear
on a Code attribute, and records debug information about local
public interface | LocalVariableTypeInfo
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models a single local variable in the LocalVariableTypeTableAttribute .
public interface | LocalVariableTypeTableAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the LocalVariableTypeTable attribute 4.7.14, which can appear
on a Code attribute, and records debug information about local
public interface | MethodParameterInfo
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models a single method parameter in the MethodParametersAttribute .
public interface | MethodParametersAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the MethodParameters attribute 4.7.24, which can
appear on methods, and records optional information about the method's
public interface | ModuleAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the Module attribute 4.7.25, which can
appear on classes that represent module descriptors.
public interface | ModuleExportInfo
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models a single "exports" declaration in the ModuleAttribute .
public interface | ModuleHashesAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the ModuleHashes attribute, which can
appear on classes that represent module descriptors.
public interface | ModuleHashInfo
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models hash information for a single module in the ModuleHashesAttribute .
public interface | ModuleMainClassAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the ModuleMainClass attribute 4.7.27, which can
appear on classes that represent module descriptors.
public interface | ModuleOpenInfo
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models a single "opens" declaration in the ModuleAttribute .
public interface | ModulePackagesAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the ModulePackages attribute 4.7.26, which can
appear on classes that represent module descriptors.
public interface | ModuleProvideInfo
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models a single "provides" declaration in the ModuleAttribute .
public interface | ModuleRequireInfo
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models a single "requires" declaration in the ModuleAttribute .
public interface | ModuleResolutionAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the ModuleResolution attribute, which can
appear on classes that represent module descriptors.
public interface | ModuleTargetAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the ModuleTarget attribute, which can
appear on classes that represent module descriptors.
public interface | NestHostAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the NestHost attribute 4.7.28, which can
appear on classes to indicate that this class is a member of a nest.
public interface | NestMembersAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the NestMembers attribute 4.7.29, which can
appear on classes to indicate that this class is the host of a nest.
public interface | PermittedSubclassesAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the PermittedSubclasses attribute 4.7.31, which can
appear on classes to indicate which classes may extend this class.
public interface | RecordAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the Record attribute 4.7.30, which can
appear on classes to indicate that this class is a record class.
public interface | RecordComponentInfo
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models a single record component in the java. .
public interface | RuntimeInvisibleAnnotationsAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the RuntimeInvisibleAnnotations attribute 4.7.17, which
can appear on classes, methods, and fields.
public interface | RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the RuntimeInvisibleParameterAnnotations attribute
4.7.19, which can appear on methods.
public interface | RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the RuntimeInvisibleTypeAnnotations attribute 4.7.21, which
can appear on classes, methods, fields, and code attributes.
public interface | RuntimeVisibleAnnotationsAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the RuntimeVisibleAnnotations attribute 4.7.16, which
can appear on classes, methods, and fields.
public interface | RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotationsAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the RuntimeVisibleParameterAnnotations attribute 4.7.18, which
can appear on methods.
public interface | RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotationsAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the RuntimeVisibleTypeAnnotations attribute 4.7.20, which
can appear on classes, methods, fields, and code attributes.
public interface | SignatureAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the Signature attribute 4.7.9, which
can appear on classes, methods, or fields.
public interface | SourceDebugExtensionAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the SourceDebugExtension attribute.
public interface | SourceFileAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the SourceFile attribute 4.7.10, which
can appear on classes.
public interface | SourceIDAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the SourceID attribute, which can
appear on classes.
public interface | StackMapFrameInfo
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models stack map frame of StackMapTable attribute 4.7.4.
public interface | StackMapTableAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the StackMapTable attribute 4.7.4, which can appear
on a Code attribute.
public interface | SyntheticAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models the Synthetic attribute 4.7.8, which can appear on
classes, methods, and fields.
public interface | UnknownAttribute
Second Preview of ClassFile API (JEP 466).
Models an unknown attribute on a class, method, or field.