Since | Preview Item and Description |
22 | java.
Provides classfile parsing, generation, and transformation library. |
22 | java.
Models the access flags for a class, method, or field. |
22 | java.
Models an annotation on a declaration. |
22 | java.
Models a key-value pair of an annotation. |
22 | java.
Models the value of a key-value pair of an annotation. |
22 | java.
Models an annotation-valued element |
22 | java.
Models an array-valued element |
22 | java.
Models a constant-valued element |
22 | java.
Models a constant-valued element |
22 | java.
Models a constant-valued element |
22 | java.
Models a class-valued element |
22 | java.
Models a constant-valued element |
22 | java.
Models a constant-valued element |
22 | java.
Models an enum-valued element |
22 | java.
Models a constant-valued element |
22 | java.
Models a constant-valued element |
22 | java.
Models a constant-valued element |
22 | java.
Models a constant-valued element |
22 | java.
Models a constant-valued element |
22 | java.
the attribute type A extends AttributeModels a classfile attribute 4.7. |
22 | java.
the attribute type A>Bidirectional mapper between the classfile representation of an attribute and how that attribute is modeled in the API. |
22 | java.
Attribute stability indicator |
22 | java.
A |
22 | java.
Attribute mappers for standard classfile attributes. |
22 | java.
Models an entry in the bootstrap method table. |
22 | java.
Supports writing portions of a classfile to a growable buffer. |
22 | java.
A builder for classfiles. |
22 | java.
A marker interface for elements that can appear when traversing
a |
22 | java.
Represents a context for parsing, transforming, and generating classfiles. |
22 | java.
Option describing attribute mappers for custom attributes. |
22 | java.
Option describing whether to process or discard unrecognized or problematic original attributes when a class, record component, field, method or code is transformed in its exploded form. |
22 | java.
Option describing the class hierarchy resolver to use when generating stack maps. |
22 | java.
Option describing whether to preserve the original constant pool when transforming a classfile. |
22 | java.
Option describing whether to patch out unreachable code. |
22 | java.
Option describing whether to filter unresolved labels. |
22 | java.
Option describing whether to process or discard debug elements. |
22 | java.
Option describing whether to process or discard line numbers. |
22 | java.
An option that affects the parsing and writing of classfiles. |
22 | java.
Option describing whether to automatically rewrite short jumps to long when necessary. |
22 | java.
Option describing whether to generate stackmaps. |
22 | java.
the element type E extends ClassFileElement, the builder type B extends ClassFileBuilderA builder for a classfile or portion of a classfile. |
22 | java.
Immutable model for a portion of (or the entirety of) a classfile. |
22 | java.
the transform type C extends ClassFileTransformthe element type E extends ClassFileElement, the builder type B extends ClassFileBuilderA transformation on streams of elements. |
22 | java.
the element type E extends ClassFileElement>The result of binding a transform to a builder. |
22 | java.
Models the classfile version information for a class. |
22 | java.
Provides class hierarchy information for generating correct stack maps during code building. |
22 | java.
Information about a resolved class. |
22 | java.
Models a classfile. |
22 | java.
Supports reading from a classfile. |
22 | java.
Models the generic signature of a class file, as defined by 4.7.9. |
22 | java.
A transformation on streams of |
22 | java.
A builder for code attributes (method bodies). |
22 | java.
A builder for blocks of code. |
22 | java.
A builder to add catch blocks. |
22 | java.
A marker interface for elements that can appear when traversing
a |
22 | java.
Models the body of a method (the |
22 | java.
A transformation on streams of |
22 | java.
the element type E extends ClassFileElement>A |
22 | java.
the custom attribute type T extends CustomAttributeModels a non-standard attribute of a classfile. |
22 | java.
A builder for fields. |
22 | java.
A marker interface for elements that can appear when traversing
a |
22 | java.
Models a field. |
22 | java.
A transformation on streams of |
22 | java.
Models an executable instruction in a method body. |
22 | java.
Models the interfaces of a class. |
22 | java.
A marker for a position within the instructions of a method body. |
22 | java.
A builder for methods. |
22 | java.
A marker interface for elements that can appear when traversing
a |
22 | java.
Models a method. |
22 | java.
Models the generic signature of a method, as defined by 4.7.9. |
22 | java.
A transformation on streams of |
22 | java.
Describes the opcodes of the JVM instruction set, as described in 6.5. |
22 | java.
Kinds of opcodes. |
22 | java.
Models metadata about a |
22 | java.
Models generic Java type signatures, as defined in |
22 | java.
Models the signature of an array type. |
22 | java.
Models the signature of a primitive type or void |
22 | java.
Models the signature of a possibly-parameterized class or interface type. |
22 | java.
Models the signature of a reference type, which may be a class, interface, type variable, or array type. |
22 | java.
Models a signature for a throwable type. |
22 | java.
Models the type argument. |
23 | java.
Models a type argument with an explicit bound type. |
23 | java.
Models a type argument's wildcard indicator. |
23 | java.
Models an unbounded type argument |
22 | java.
Models a signature for a type parameter of a generic class or method. |
22 | java.
Models the signature of a type variable. |
22 | java.
Models the superclass of a class. |
22 | java.
Models an annotation on a type use, as defined in 4.7.19 and 4.7.20. |
22 | java.
Indicates that an annotation appears on the i'th type in an exception parameter declaration. |
22 | java.
Indicates that an annotation appears on either the type in a field declaration, the return type of a method, the type of a newly constructed object, or the receiver type of a method or constructor. |
22 | java.
Indicates that an annotation appears on the type in a formal parameter declaration of a method, constructor, or lambda expression. |
22 | java.
Indicates that an annotation appears on the type in a local variable declaration, including a variable declared as a resource in a try-with-resources statement. |
22 | java.
Indicates a range of code array offsets within which a local variable has a value, and the index into the local variable array of the current frame at which that local variable can be found. |
22 | java.
Indicates that an annotation appears on either the type in an instanceof expression or a new expression, or the type before the :: in a method reference expression. |
22 | java.
Indicates that an annotation appears on a type in the extends or implements clause of a class or interface declaration. |
22 | java.
Specifies which type in a declaration or expression is being annotated. |
22 | java.
The kind of target on which the annotation appears, as defined in |
22 | java.
Indicates that an annotation appears on the i'th type in the throws clause of a method or constructor declaration. |
22 | java.
Indicates that an annotation appears either on the i'th type in a cast expression, or on the i'th type argument in the explicit type argument list for any of the following: a new expression, an explicit constructor invocation statement, a method invocation expression, or a method reference expression. |
22 | java.
Indicates that an annotation appears on the i'th bound of the j'th type parameter declaration of a generic class, interface, method, or constructor. |
22 | java.
Indicates that an annotation appears on the declaration of the i'th type parameter of a generic class, generic interface, generic method, or generic constructor. |
22 | java.
JVMS: Type_path structure identifies which part of the type is annotated, as defined in |
22 | java.
Type path kind, as defined in |
22 | java.
Describes the types that can be part of a field or method descriptor. |
22 | java.
the type of the entity T>A classfile element that can encode itself as a stream of bytes in the encoding expected by the classfile format. |
22 | java.
Provides interfaces describing classfile attributes for the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models a single character range in the |
22 | java.
The CharacterRangeTable attribute is an optional variable-length attribute in
the attributes table of a |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models a single inner class in the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models a single line number in the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models a single local variable in the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models a single local variable in the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models a single method parameter in the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
A builder for module attributes. |
22 | java.
Models a single "exports" declaration in the |
22 | java.
Models hash information for a single module in the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models a single "opens" declaration in the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models a single "provides" declaration in the |
22 | java.
Models a single "requires" declaration in the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models a single record component in the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models stack map frame of |
22 | java.
A stack value for an object type. |
22 | java.
A simple stack value. |
22 | java.
An uninitialized stack value. |
22 | java.
The type of a stack value. |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models the |
22 | java.
Models an unknown attribute on a class, method, or field. |
22 | java.
Provides specific components, transformations, and tools built on top of the
22 | java.
A printer of classfiles and its elements. |
22 | java.
A leaf node holding single printable value. |
22 | java.
A tree node holding |
22 | java.
A tree node holding |
22 | java.
Named, traversable, and printable node parent. |
22 | java.
Level of detail to print or export. |
22 | java.
22 | java.
22 | java.
A code relabeler is a |
22 | java.
22 | java.
Provides interfaces describing classfile constant pool entries for the |
22 | java.
A constant pool entry that may be used as an annotation constant, which includes the four kinds of primitive constants, and UTF8 constants. |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Provides read access to the constant pool and bootstrap method table of a classfile. |
22 | java.
Builder for the constant pool of a classfile. |
22 | java.
Thrown to indicate that requested entry cannot be obtained from the constant pool. |
22 | java.
Models a constant pool entry that can be used as the constant in a
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a dynamic constant pool entry, which is either |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a constant pool entry for a dynamic call site. |
22 | java.
Marker interface for constant pool entries suitable for loading via the
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a member reference constant in the constant pool of a classfile, which includes references to fields, methods, and interface methods. |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models an entry in the constant pool of a classfile. |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Provides interfaces describing code instructions for the |
22 | java.
Models an array load instruction in the |
22 | java.
Models an array store instruction in the |
22 | java.
Models a branching instruction (conditional or unconditional) in the |
22 | java.
A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in the
22 | java.
Models a constant-load instruction in the |
22 | java.
Models an "argument constant" instruction (e.g., |
22 | java.
Models an "intrinsic constant" instruction (e.g., |
22 | java.
Models a "load constant" instruction (e.g., |
22 | java.
Models a primitive conversion instruction in the |
22 | java.
Models instruction discontinued from the |
22 | java.
Models JSR and JSR_W instructions discontinued from the |
22 | java.
Models RET and RET_W instructions discontinued from the |
22 | java.
A pseudo-instruction modeling an entry in the exception table of a code attribute. |
22 | java.
Models a field access instruction in the |
22 | java.
Models a local variable increment instruction in the |
22 | java.
Models an |
22 | java.
Models a method invocation instruction in the |
22 | java.
A pseudo-instruction which indicates that the specified label corresponds to
the current position in the |
22 | java.
A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in the
22 | java.
Models a local variable load instruction in the |
22 | java.
A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in the
22 | java.
A pseudo-instruction which models a single entry in the |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models an arithmetic operator instruction in the |
22 | java.
Models a return-from-method instruction in the |
22 | java.
Models a stack manipulation instruction in the |
22 | java.
Models a local variable store instruction in the |
22 | java.
Models a single case in a |
22 | java.
Models a |
22 | java.
Models an |
22 | java.
Models an |
Since | Preview Item and Description |
23 | Returns: This consoleAn object whose string representation is to be written,
may be obj)null .Writes a string representation of the specified object to this console's output stream and then flushes the console. |
23 | Returns: This consoleAn object whose string representation is to be written,
may be obj)null .Writes a string representation of the specified object to this console's
output stream, terminates the line using |
23 | Returns: A string containing the line read from the console, not including any line-termination characters, ornull
if an end of stream has been reached without having read
any characters.A prompt string, may be prompt)null .Writes a prompt as if by calling |
23 | java.
A collection of static convenience methods that provide access to system console for implicitly declared classes. |
Since | Preview Item and Description |
23 | javax.
the return type of this visitor's methods R, the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's methods. P>A skeletal visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version. |
23 | javax.
the return type of this visitor's methods. Use R, Void for visitors that do not need to return results.the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's
methods. Use P>Void for visitors that do not need an
additional parameter.A skeletal visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version. |
23 | javax.
the return type of this visitor's methods. Use R, Void for visitors that do not need to return results.the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's
methods. Use P>Void for visitors that do not need an
additional parameter.A skeletal visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version. |
23 | javax.
the return type of this visitor's methods. Use R, Void for visitors that do not need to return results.the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's
methods. Use P>Void for visitors that do not need an
additional parameter.A visitor of program elements based on their kind with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version. |
23 | javax.
the return type of this visitor's methods. Use R, Void for visitors that do not need to return results.the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's
methods. Use P>Void for visitors that do not need an
additional parameter.A scanning visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version. |
23 | javax.
the return type of this visitor's methods R, the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's methods. P>A simple visitor for annotation values with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version. |
23 | javax.
the return type of this visitor's methods. Use R, Void
for visitors that do not need to return results.the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's methods. Use P>Void
for visitors that do not need an additional parameter.A simple visitor of program elements with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version. |
23 | javax.
the return type of this visitor's methods. Use R, Void for visitors that do not need to return results.the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's
methods. Use P>Void for visitors that do not need an
additional parameter.A simple visitor of types with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version. |
23 | javax.
the return type of this visitor's methods. Use R, Void for visitors that do not need to return results.the type of the additional parameter to this visitor's
methods. Use P>Void for visitors that do not need an
additional parameter.A visitor of types based on their kind with default behavior appropriate for a preview source version. |
Since | Preview Item and Description |
23 | Returns: true if this is an module import declaration.Returns true if this is an module import declaration. |
23 | jdk.
Import Module Declaration. |
Since | Preview Item and Description |
21 | java.
the type of the value T>A value that may be safely and efficiently shared to methods without using method parameters. |
23 | java.
result type of the operation T, type of the exception thrown by the operation X extends Throwable>An operation that returns a result and may throw an exception. |
21 | java.
A mapping of scoped values, as keys, to values. |
Since | Preview Item and Description |
22 | java.
the type of input elements to the gatherer operation T, the potentially mutable state type of the gatherer operation
(often hidden as an implementation detail) A, the type of output elements from the gatherer operation R>An intermediate operation that transforms a stream of input elements into a stream of output elements, optionally applying a final action when the end of the upstream is reached. |
22 | java.
the type of elements this downstream accepts T>A Downstream object is the next stage in a pipeline of operations, to which elements can be sent. |
22 | java.
the type of state used by this integrator A, the type of elements this integrator consumes T, the type of results this integrator can produce R>An Integrator receives elements and processes them, optionally using the supplied state, and optionally sends incremental results downstream. |
22 | java.
the type of state used by this integrator A, the type of elements this greedy integrator receives T, the type of results this greedy integrator can produce R>Greedy Integrators consume all their input, and may only relay that the downstream does not want more elements. |
22 | java.
Implementations of |
22 | Returns: the new streama gatherer gatherer)Returns a stream consisting of the results of applying the given
Since | Preview Item and Description |
21 | java.
Thrown when a structure violation is detected. |
21 | java.
the result type of tasks executed in the task scope T>A basic API for structured concurrency. |
21 | java.
A |
21 | java.
the result type T>A |
21 | java.
the result type T>Represents a subtask forked with |
21 | java.
Represents the state of a subtask. |